What's the most invaluable accelerator for early-stage companies?
Strategic partnerships.
But finding a match can often be easier said than done.
Thankfully, ONE ONE THREE specialises in finding and matching the most innovative startups with the right partners that can leverage that innovation and propel them forward.
Our partnerships fall into four categories:
Horizontal Partnerships:
Two or more businesses within the same industry form alliances
Aim: To improve their market position.
Vertical Partnerships:
Businesses team up with companies within the same supply chain (suppliers, distributors and retailers)
Aim: To stabilize supply chains and increase sales.
Equity Partnerships:
An investor acquires a percentage interest in a business
Aim: To provide needed capital and sharing in profits and losses.
Channel Partnerships:
Two businesses leverage complimentary channels or distribution capabilities
Aim: Generate more leads, attract new customers and increase conversion rates.